It has been a whirlwind Spring. I'm sorry its been so long since my last post. The end of school is always crazy but adding the transition to a new position next year threw me into a tailspin. It is amazing how much "stuff" you accumulate in 12 years of teaching. So now that I've got that under control I hope to resume my faithful blogging. I appreciate you sticking around to see if I'd come up with anything new to share. Thanks to Michele for giving me a kick in the bahonky to get back to it.
Even though I lost my blogging mojo for a while I have been stitching up a storm.
Ah...Tis Spring
Notforgotten Farm
LHN Traveling Stitcher
Lizzie Kate
One Hundred Years From Now

On a completely non stitching note....
Here is my hubby's race car for this year.
#22. I really like the color scheme of the car this year. Hope he has a great racing season.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend. I salute the members of our military, their family and friends.
“True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.”
~Arthur Ashe
Keep on stitchin' on,