Mill Hill Spring Bouquet Beaded Magnets
As I've said before I am easily distracted! These quick to stitch magnets were so cute that I maintained my focus and finished them in a couple of days.
Flip Flops
Beads are a great addition to cross stitch projects. The Mill Hill Kits are a great way to get started and see how you like beading. The kits come with everything you need to get started. Perforated paper, floss, beads, needles, etc. (Now I need to contact Mill Hill about receiving kickbacks for promoting their products :-)
Bead work goes very fast as seed beads only use a half cross stitch to attach the bead. Petite beads which are smaller usually use a full cross stitch. Bugle beads (long tubes) use an elongated stitch.
I have never been able to complete a french knot successfully so I often use petite beads instead.
A Tacky Bob is a great product to assist you with bead work. It resembles a small cd case but on the inside it is sticky. The beads stick lightly to the adhesive and won't move when you stick the needle in the bead. You can simply pick up a bead and keep stitching.
My next project~
I found a pattern for some cute retro Christmas tree ornaments. I'm stitching them now on 14 ct. mesh plastic canvas. I've never used plastic canvas for cross stitch so I'll let you know how they turn out.
On another note...........
My 9 year old Miniature Schnauzer got to come home from the "hospital" last night. He's been dealing with an illness for about 4 weeks now and ended up staying at the vet for a week. I missed him terribly while he was gone, hence all the stitching projects I completed in my attempt to keep busy. Hopefully he's through the worst of it. I find I stitch much better when he is laying in the chair with me. He's missing hair on both legs and his belly and the rest is matted but he's still a site for sore eyes.

Keep on stitchin' on,
I hope your pup feels better soon. :-)
Also, the magnets are adorable...I love them...and I'm curious about your stitching on canvas. I've never attempted it, I want to see yours, then maybe I will, I have loads of canvas someone gave me.
Magnets are cool, I like to learn them.
Congratulations Congratulations for your work.
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