Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Santa's Village....FINISHED!

Greetings Friends,
I was overjoyed when I received the call from the framer that 
Santa's Village was ready to be picked up.  

I rushed in after work and here is what I found...

Santa's Village
Stitched on 40 ct. Tree of Life Linens and called for fibers.
I opted to use only 1 of the buttons.  
You can see the reindeer flying in the bottom left corner. 

The shiny red frame with the white insert is just perfect.  I am so glad to have this finished, I think it is safe to say I'll be avoiding designs with snowflakes and houses for a while. ;)

Thank you for stopping by.  
I enjoy hearing from you and always try to reply to comments if I have an email address. 
 Many of the comments come with no reply option in the email notification I receive.  
I completely understand but want everyone to know I appreciate your sweet comments.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

Keep on stitchin'


Diana said...

Very pretty!The red frame is perfect.

Faye said...

Love this red with white frame.... It really makes the houses and snow pop!!!!

Maggee said...

Yours is the first I have seen framed! Congratulations on a great finish! The framing is perfect for it! Know what you mean about snowflakes! Christmas stitching inevitably burns me out on using white every year! Hugs!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Framing perfection! Great piece.

Marsha said...

Oh Diane, it turned out so cool! I like the one button that you chose and the frame is perfect. Really nice.

Patty C. said...

Looks Beautiful !!

Carole said...

Wonderful treasure for you to enjoy for years to come!

Marilyn said...

That turned out beautiful!

Mii Stitch said...

The frame finish your work beautifully! It looks superb!

Chris said...

It looks amazing!
Merry Christmas to you too!

Catherine said...

Fantastic! That frame really pulls it all together ~ great choice! How fun that you have it in time for this season ~ Merry Christmas to you!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

First one I've seen framed! It is gorgeous Nan, utterly stunning! You should be doggone proud of yourself!
(P.S. saw your needleminders in Fancy Works)

Anonymous said...


Vickie said...

Awesome!! Hooray!

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE seeing it all stitched together and framed!!!! What a wonderful piece you have!!!!

Friendship Crossing said...

Absolutely gorgeous! LOVE the red frame and white insert ~ perfect!


Kay said...

Beautiful!! The frame is perfect! You can be proud of yourself for a job well-done! Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Like Faye said, the frame & mat really make it pop! You've inspired me to get mine back out!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congratulations on completing this beautiful piece and getting it framed just in time for Christmas.

I'm sure you will be inspiring a lot of people to get their's out and work on them now. I do hear you about the snow though, I rarely stitch snowmen designs for the same reason! An overdose of white LOL.

Michelle said...

Its beautiful well done x

Melissa said...

That is just gorgeous!!! Congrats on the finish!

Patti said...

Wow! It looks great! You should be proud. So hard to finish projects like start getting burned out! Great Job!

Anonymous said...

What a great finish - and such a festive frame!! :)

Deborah Schander said...

That frame is perfect -- congratulations on finishing the series!

william hartman said...

So Amazing Embroidery Digitizer