Sunday, May 18, 2014

45 ct. Linen Isn't So Bad

Greetings Friends,

I've been working on The Birds & The Bees.
My first attempt at 45 ct. linen is going well.  I hope I can finish this by week's end.  

In 2010 I created a facebook page for Nan's Needlework Notions and didn't do a thing with it.
I have resurrected my efforts so hop on over to my facebook page.

This school year is coming to an end, only 4 more kid days (not that I'm counting :).   Looking forward to some extra stitching time this summer and a long awaited vacation with my hubby.

Thanks for stopping by and your kind words.

Keep on stitchin'


cucki said...

Wow so pretty x

Fiona said...

It looks great:)

CalamityJr said...

That's so pretty; I love the colors. Glad the days you're not counting are so few. Have a wonderful break!

Natasha said...

this looks great!!! My Mother in law is a 4th grade teacher and she to is counting down the days LOL

Of course I am going to "like" your page!

Faye said...

Wow Nan!!! This is beautiful~~ I love the tiny stitches!! I have 14 more kiddo days.... Too many snow make up days!!! Enjoy~

Mouse said...

gorgeous colours and enjoy your break and can't wait to see what you stitch on next :) love mouse xxx

Jeannine520 said...

It looks lovely on 45ct. The stitches are so small and delicate but you still can clearly see that they're x's. Love it. I said I wasn't going to buy any 45ct but I just may have to. :-)

Chris said...

This is looking lovely Ann! Woohoo for summer!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

The colors look so dense with the smaller X's, don't they? Really pretty. Yeah! Enjoy your summer break.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

We have 7 more school days...and I'm counting them down with my own kids :)
I love your 45 ct. piece. Its beautiful!

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